


Last stage of the drawing and it is ready to transfer.  I will place it on Arches 300 lb warm watercolor paper.  It's a bit difficult to photograph since the drawing is done with colerase on two transparent sheets.  The elements look a bit complicated, but it will clear up with addition of color, line variation, value and whatever signature stye I move toward.

I'm working on three layers.  Adding plant life to surround this coyote.  Using colerase pencil on Canson transparent paper.  Here is a progress shot.  More elements to be added. The clean drawing is  almost complete.  I plan to use watercolor & gouache, ...& perhaps some experimenting with color pencil/mix media.  

Another transparent paper placed over my initial rough drawing.  This is the clean up stage. Red colerase & black prismacolor pencil.  I am also mapping this guy out, as I plan to paint him in gouache.  This is a wip. More elements to be added!  I love canine.  I had the pleasure to study a couple semesters with Marshall Vandruff, an awesome animal drawing maestro. 


Colored pencil on grey strathmore paper.  A study for an oil painting.  This should make a nice compliment piece.  I enjoy when a "study" evolves into something that can hold it's own.  I've been reading Robert Henri for the first time; I'm working on enjoying the act of drawing, as well as taking pleasure in the visuals of what I am observing & creating.


I went to Blicks & picked up a few bottles of Daler Rowney Acryclic Artists ink.  Brush & inked these coyotes with plant life.  Very fun! on Strathmore grey paper. 


My second pass of the drawing on  a smooth canson tracing paper placed over my rough made with colerase pencil.  Soon I will began to do these on nice vellum paper so that my progress drawings can compliment the final piece. Smooth like butter!